The Foundation University has declared the result of Final Professional BDS (Annual) Examination 2020. Out of 51 candidates who appeared in the said examination, 44 were declared successful with a pass percentage of 86.27 %.
MS. AAIMA MUGHAL, Roll No. 0769 Reg. No. 10/BDS/FUI/2017 of the Foundation University College of Dentistry, got 1st position in the examination securing 906 out of 1200 marks.
Mr. ABDUL HASEEB NAWAZ SATTI, Roll No. 0536 Reg. No. 01/MBBS/FUI/2016 of the Foundation University Medical College, got 1ST position in the examination securing 1455 out of 1800 marks.
The University has directed the unsuccessful candidates to submit the admission forms within 15-days from the date of declaration of result. The result may also be seen on FUI website